Merz Grants and Giving
Through our Grants and Giving program, we provide support for commercial programs/exhibits, educational programs, resident training, charitable giving and investigator- initiated trials (IITs).
Merz Aesthetics is committed to its products by providing meaningful support to healthcare providers (HCPs) who use them and to the patients who benefit from them.
Medical Affairs
We support requests aligned with Merz Aesthetics’ vision and focus on educational initiatives that lead to improved patient outcomes.
Educational Support
Merz accepts unsolicited requests for the funding of educational activities that advance the knowledge, skill, and proficiency of medical professionals in the aesthetics space. With this goal in mind, Merz Aesthetics provides grants for both CME accredited and independent medical educational programs.
Resident Training
Residents and fellows may submit an unsolicited grant request for Merz Aesthetics products to support educational and training programs.
Investigator-Initiated Studies
Merz Aesthetics accepts unsolicited applications for Investigator-Initiated Trials (IITs). Pending final approval by our Grants and Giving Committee, we may choose to provide support for such trials by providing grant product (drug/device), financial, and other study-related support.
Publication Support
Merz Aesthetics encourages healthcare providers to communicate clinical data, case studies, review topics, and other substantive new information that furthers the scientific and clinical understanding of our products. Merz accepts unsolicited requests for publication support, provided by an independent third party of the authors’ choosing. Per Good Publication Practice guidelines, we require that authors disclose any support upon publication.
Commercial Sponsorships & Exhibits
What is Merz’s Strategic Focus?
When considering requests for commercial support, Merz Aesthetics focuses on sponsoring healthcare-related programs in the areas of aesthetics, including patient education, exhibit opportunities, and scientific and industry meetings, which further understanding of the uses of our products.
Commercial Sponsorships
Our commercial sponsorship focuses on industry meetings in Aesthetics.
Exhibit Support
Please only request exhibit support if the exhibit space is not already part of a commercial sponsorship request.
Merz Cares – Charitable Giving
Merz Aesthetics provides charitable support to local and national organizations. We support programs and organizations aligned with our values, with a focus on the physical and mental health and wellness of women, children, and veterans.
Grants Submission Process
How to Apply
All requests must be submitted through the Grants & Giving portal. Merz reserves the right to decline applications not adhering to documentation requirements outlined in the online application.
Medical Affairs Funding Requirements
- Medical Affairs Grant requests must be unsolicited and ideally have more than a single third-party grantor. Requests should be fair balanced and without influence from Merz Aesthetics.
- Requested funds should be reasonable for the activities proposed and should generally not exceed 50% of the total budget request.
- Grant funds must be used solely for expenses outlined in the Letter of Request and as committed to by the applicant.
- All CME Accredited requests approved must be reconciled within 30 days after the event ends. Failure to complete the reconciliation will result in Merz Aesthetics declining future requests.
Separation of Medical Affairs and Commercial Support
- Merz has formal separation between the Medical Affairs and Commercial grant review processes. In turn, we request applicants submit separate applications for Commercial Support/Exhibit requests and Educational Support.
Funding Restrictions and Limitations
- Funding must not be used for travel, lodging, or registration expenses for non-faculty healthcare professionals.
Review Process and Decision
- All requests must be submitted at least 30 days in advance of the program date.
- Merz Aesthetics fiscal year runs July 1 through June 30. Grant requests that span more than one fiscal year will generally not be considered.
- Funding decisions for Grants are made through a formal, cross-functional
review and decision-making process. Grant Review Committees assess and approve
applications based on several criteria that include, but are not limited to:
- Potential to improve patient care and outcomes;
- Program agenda and content;
- History of faculty and participant attendance;
- Available funding.
- The Grant Review Committee may request additional detail or clarification before making a final decision.
- Merz Grants & Giving will notify applicants via email, of a decision to approve or decline the request. Notification of the decision will only be communicated by the Grants & Giving team. No other representative of Merz is authorized to approve or decline any grant request.
- Decisions by Merz to approve a grant, sponsorship, or contribution are made independent of requestor prescribing or purchasing behavior.
Letter of Agreement
- Organizations that receive support are required to sign the Merz Letter of Agreement (LOA), and must abide by the terms and conditions as outlined. Each Letter of Agreement is sent via email to the Legal Contract Signee as outlined in the application and must be electronically signed before the event date. Upon execution of the LOA, payment and/or grant product will be processed. Violation of the terms and conditions outlined in the LOA will result in future requests being declined.
Change in Scope (Amendment to original LOA)
- If there is a change in scope of an approved activity, the Grantee must contact the Grant & Giving Team directly at before the program commences, for approval of the change.
- Should these changes in scope be approved, Grants & Giving will issue an Amendment to the LOA that must be signed before the event date.
CME Reconciliation
- Merz Reconciliations will request completion of a reconciliation form via email to each organization receiving CME support. Completion of this process confirms all funding was used in accordance with the LOA. Any unused funds must be returned. Unused grant product should be destroyed in accordance with all local, state, and federal guidelines. Alternatively, please contact to request a Return Authorization.
- Failure to comply with the reconciliation request may result in future requests being declined.